The Office of Student and Family Services oversees the following departments, programs, and activities for King George County Schools:
School Counseling - Academic, Career, and Social Emotional Success
School Social Workers - Mental Health concerns and Family Partnerships
School Nurses - Student Health Centers
Character Education (Project KIND)
Therapeutic Day Treatment Counseling - In Partnership with NCG
Student and Family Handbook, including the Student Code of Conduct
New Student Enrollment and Registration
Regional Alternative Education Program (The Phoenix Center) Liaison
Title IV, Part A Grant Program
Effective School Wide Discipline/Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS)
Bullying Prevention
Division Threat Assessment Team
Suicide Awareness and Prevention
School Safety Audit and Climate Survey
Health and Safety Advisory Committee
Home Instruction
Religious Exemption
McKinney-Vento Liaison (Project Hope State Website)
Family Life Education
Foster Care Liaison
Attendance and Truancy
Military Family Liaison (VDOE Information, KGCS webpage)
Student Legal Concerns (Custody, Protective Orders (VA Code), Juvenile Justice, etc.)
Third Party Complaints (Policy GBLA, Policy KL)
Title IX and Non-Discrimination (Policy GBA/JFHA)
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA Policy JO)
Student and Family Forms and Documents
Current Project(s): Early Identification System (EIS) and E-Impacts: A partnership with the University of Virginia to provide resources to support student mental health and well-being.
Below you will find online resources and contact information for students, families, faculty, and staff.
Community Resources
King George Area Mental Health resources
Rappahannock Area Community Services Board
King George Department of Social Services
King George County Schools Video Resources (Please click on the "Video Resources" link above)
Bullying vs Conflict - Elementary Classroom Guidance
Cyberbullying Skit - KGHS Theater I Class
Bullying Prevention Campaign - KGHS Original Production
KGMS Bullying Prevention PSA - Created by KGMS Students
Literature, Articles, Professional Development
Importance of Social and Emotional Learning in Schools
High School Educators Share Advice on Preventing Bullying in Class
Bullying 101: ASCA Professional School Counselor
College and Career Planning: ASCA Professional School Counselor
Literature Connections that address topics of acceptance
Families Experiencing Homelessness
Addressing Grief: Tips for Schools
Addressing Grief: Tips for Families
Threat Assessment in Virginia Schools: A Guide for Staff, Parents, and Community
Student Health Training Videos for Teachers
If your family is experiencing a loss of housing, contact the KGCS McKinney-Vento Liaison (below) or your school social worker. Click here for more information on KGCS services or visit the VA Project HOPE website.